Art, propaganda and pornography presented by the artist sometimes known as Arte Barrato (even misspelled as it is here,) some of it his own work and most of it stuff he appreciates and chooses to elucidate and honor.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Paulo Colimbra, Fabricio, And Ricardo Onça; One And The Same
For some time now I've been planning a post devoted to the beauty of this particular Brasileiro over whom I've been masturbating since I first became aware of him some seven or eight years ago. He has worked for various companies, many of whom pretended that he was their own special find (hence the many names, which extend beyond those listed.) He has a peculiar smile, which needs to be photographed in a better manner than the various professional photographers that I've sampled here seem capable of. I've done my best to alter the lighting, exposure, and mood of the assembled images and cropped them to my better liking. I hope I have made them work as a group of pictures, because I really do admire this guy no end. He has a face worthy of a drawing by Pedro Palanca.
Paulo (again)
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Duchamp And The Mechanics Of Desire
I had planned some time ago to do a post on Marcel Duchamp, accumulated the necessary images, and failed to construct the post. This is not the only instance of such wasted effort. As luck would have it, a recent reverie concerning Duchamp and his admiration for American Plumbing and Engineering reminded me of how much enjoyment I've had of late, watching his films and looking at his art. It struck me as silly that people were not better able to recognize the sincerity of his satisfaction in good industrial design; but what I now see as almost obvious comes after many years of study and many years of others writing about his work. I thought of him sitting at one of those inventors fairs where he was hawking his goods to little attention (but greatly enjoying the atmosphere) and it seemed a good time to pay tribute to his understanding of the mechanics of sexual desire and the importance of frustration in love. The last image presented here is, of course, not by Duchamp, but by me. I wanted to present an instance of my having learned by his example. It was made, in large part, as my homage to Étant Donnés.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
El Joven Eduardo De Toluca
I've been rather fascinated the last day or so by this young man whose self portraits I found on an Internet site. I'd thought at first that he was somewhat imprudent in giving a full name; but as I tried to check it out and got no where, I'm fairly sure it was fictitious, and now think him not quite a fool. There can be no question that he is very much in keeping with my taste in imaginary lovers; and so, I don't mind that he has crudely obscured his handsome face with a digitally painted mask of his own drawing. His body looks both solid and a little soft, strongly muscled, but with a thin layer of fat, hairy, with a nicely shaped and fairly large cock, young, and refreshingly open to a little bisexual action (he was looking to arrange an hombre/mujer/hombre threesome; and I wish him all the luck in the world.)
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Over A Year Ago
These are photographs from an abandoned slide show from over a year ago. I did several slide show videos and posted them on Youtube, Vimeo and Facebook, but they met with bewilderment for the most part and so I stopped presenting them. I did however like these individual photographs from the one I had planned to do next; and I thought that this was as good a place as any to present them. It's possible that some of them will serve as the models for the paintings I will make for the show Max and I will exhibit at Max Fish in December. They will need revolutionary texts, of course. I was thinking that a good one (and one that strikes me as especially pertinent now) would be that wonderful old adage: No more replastering; the structure is rotten!