I've been fooling around with these sorts of crude Figures made of Masks and empty Clothes since my very first consciously composed Photos. The first Image I printed, when I took that Night School Introductory Photography Class after my Parents bought our first 35mm Pentax Camera, with the Automatic Setting (which was the First Thing I learned to turn off,) that conked out after Ten Years or so of Use, was a Black and White Picture of a Life Cast of my Face made of Latex coupled with a brown Summer Suit, purchased for my older Brother's Funeral, on a cheap metal Hanger in my Bedroom Window with the Late Afternoon Light creating mysterious Shadows and Highlights on the translucent Materials, seemingly bringing them to Life. It was a kind of Puppet (which was my main Area of Study in College) and its resultant Portrait proved very disturbing and charming to my Classmates. I thus learned an important Lesson in grabbing the Attention of an Audience through the use of Lighting.
Art, propaganda and pornography presented by the artist sometimes known as Arte Barrato (even misspelled as it is here,) some of it his own work and most of it stuff he appreciates and chooses to elucidate and honor.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Oswaldo, Maduro Osito Desnudo Con Falo
The Handsome Fellow seen Above and Below, when he isn't using his Dick Head as a Mask, is doing something truly unusual for the Site where these Pictures were found: He is revealing his true Face (if from an Angle that is apt to distort it and somewhat lessen the Likelihood of his being recognized) in a way that confronts the Viewer with a Person, to whom this Outsized Phallus is once more reduced to the status of Apendage. Such is the Magic of Photography.