A reordering of the previous post more as originally envisioned with pictures in sequential order. It's one of Joey's last efforts alongside his longtime friend, the future murderer, David Mesa, aka Romo, sometimes Rick, sometimes Mario. Sad business, though mostly sad for Joey, because I believe he probably loved David (and then trying to get an alibi from Joey, talk about using one's friends!) But this orgy is fairly benign, a vision of social harmony before the inevitable fall from Grace.
Though I had all of these in sequential order, when I uploaded them the blogger program made a complete jumble of them, so rather than start all over again and upload each frame one by one, I decided to leave them in this random order. After all, there are more than eighty of them. The images all come from one of Joey's final videos and he's tag teaming with his old friend Rick Romo, with whom he entered the porn business about five years earlier, with San Diego Boys. These frames are taken from an SX Video, in which Rick and Joey were the primary tops.