Art, propaganda and pornography presented by the artist sometimes known as Arte Barrato (even misspelled as it is here,) some of it his own work and most of it stuff he appreciates and chooses to elucidate and honor.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Erotic Chatting in Chennai
For the last couple of weeks I've been watching a young Tamil lad lying near naked on his bed almost every late-night (his time) or mid-day (my time) for the hour before he goes to sleep. It's so-called free-chat. He has become my favorite TV show of late. He manages to combine great physical beauty with a keen sense of humor, as well as an ability and willingness to express his anger at the stupidity of his would-be clients. I'm currently working on a short picture and dialogue book about him and his exploits for the International Artists' Book Fair at PS1 in November.
He looks really hansome