Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Assorted Idiots and a Hero

So, the Live Chicken protesters have managed through their protests to deny low-income Chinese and Mexican immigrants who depend on food stamps the opportunity to purchase their chickens live and butcher the birds themselves. They achieved this through deceit, by pretending that there's a possibility the purchasers may try to keep these birds as pets. Such is the hypocrisy and pomposity of these pseudo-leftist cretins who secretly despise the proletariat they say they seek to enlighten. So as not to bring them any more fame than they deserve let them remain nameless and not pictured. They are imbeciles.

Of course the Sale of Live Chickens continues, but now it can only be done for hard cash. No vouchers will be accepted. And the dim-wits continue their sectarian political protest.

By contrast, here is someone who deserves to be named and praised. An artist himself of the first order, he has done considerable work over the years in encouraging and supporting other artists' projects. He has also posed for them on occasion or allowed them to make casts of his sizable form. His name is Gregg Woolard and he is a gem among men.

Here I had him posing as two of the River Gods from Marc Antonio Raimondi's engraving (based on a drawing by Raphael Sanzio) The Judgement of Paris. These were the basis for the poses of figures in Eduard Manet's Le Dejeuner Sur L'Herbe.

Here you see one use I made of these pictures, among others. It's called Lunch with Crows and it's now part of Gregg's impressive and substantial collection.

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