Friday, May 10, 2024

Efrain Elder


I believe he's been posting naked pictures of himself for about eight years or so, beginning when he was still living with his parents. I remember him saying that he would jerk off while listening to them having sex in the next room. There were videos of him masturbating in the living room while they were away.  He liked to play the naughty son.  Then he went off to college and started posting videos of him getting fucked, mostly by older men.  He started working out and beefing up.  Lately he's been shooting pictures of him fucking women, occasionally other men too.  He still likes to get fucked, though, and posts plenty of photos and videos displaying his awesome culo.  His dick is clearly magnificent, he's got a pretty face and a strong beefy body.  And he knows how to shoot his stuff.  Love his work.  Don't know if he's still in school or if he even finished his degree.  Hope all goes well for him.  Seems pretty nice and not at all stuck up. 

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