Sunday, September 20, 2020

Today's Drawings of Derron


I believe that today was one of the best artsaveslives life drawing sessions that we have done on Zoom. The model, Derron Thweatt, was in especially fine form. The setting and the light suited him, and his poses were sensitively and inventively presented. There are four drawings, two watercolor & pencil drawings of hour long poses and two sheets of 4 minute pencil sketches, all 12 X 9 inches. Thanks to Thomasina for arranging everything, to Alan for keeping time, to David for suggesting the positioning of the bench in the last drawing, the other artists drawing and painting and of course to Mr Thweatt for giving us a chance to draw him again.

Monday, September 14, 2020

Recent Watercolor Drawings: Derron & Angel

From this weekend and two weeks ago, two favorite models posing in their own homes, seen by Zoom and paid by the generous and gifted Thomasina DeMaio.  Derron Thweatt is a particular favorite, but I can't really pretend to know him beyond looking very intensely and intimately at him as he poses.  I certainly know what he chooses to present (and likely a good deal more that he may not intend to be seen.) 

The drawings of Angel Spindler are less emotional for me, therefore more technically precise and this precision brings another kind of intensity.  These pictures below of Mr Spindler are more soothing than those above of Mr Thweatt.


Saturday, September 12, 2020

Some old nude self portrait photos

The first three are the most recent, from a little more than a year ago.  The next three are the oldest, from the late 1990s.  The next three are from a few years ago and the last three from more than a dozen years ago.  

Toots Hibbert's Death

Frederick Toots Hibbert died of COVID-19 yesterday at the age of 77. (He was 15 years and 1 day older than me.) 54-46 was his number. RIP. 

Monday, September 7, 2020

Bodegón for Thin Mar Oo

For Thin Mar Oo's 40th birthaday last week (August 29th) I gave her a panel painting I had promised to make for her many years before, inspired by a Bodegón by Hermenegildo Bustos. I had given her smaller still life paintings years ago which she gave in turn to her parents, but this one is for her room. Acrylic on panel 16 X 20 inches, August 2020.