It appears that another post will be necessary in order to encompass all that I want to show at present of Gregg Woolards current artistic endeavors. The drawings that follow, like those that precede, seem to be exploratory works that may culminate in some more definitive works, like those that end this post.
These are the drawings, the four which follow, of those Gregg has been making lately, that have me the most excited. They have the wonderfully paradoxical ability to both assert and deny the prominence of the figure. These images of the finely toned bodies of various male models are imperfectly transferred from one surface to another, drawn over, laboriously worked into a pattern, in a sense hidden or disguised, and yet they continue to insist on their presence; and this is not to disparage in any way the beauty of those swirling stripes that engulf these ghostly escorts. The beauty of the patterned lines are every bit a match for the charms of these porn stars.

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