Thursday, December 31, 2015


Photos from the five year shoot, on the set, of Eraserhead, (David Lynch, Los Angeles, California, 1972 - 1977,) featuring Jack Nance, David Lynch, Herb Caldwell, Charlotte Stewart and Catherine Coulson

Yesterday was the nineteenth anniversary of Jack Nance’s death.  He got punched in the face early in the morning outside Winchell’s Donuts in South Pasadena and a day later fell dead in his bathroom from a subdural hematoma.  Jack said, in an interview, that when they were working on Dune, David looked around at all the thousands of people under his command out in the Mexican desert and then directly into Jack’s face and they simultaneously burst out laughing.  I wish someone had taken a picture at that moment as someone (I assume it was Catherine) did in the last picture down, just above.

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