Saturday, April 26, 2014

Rod Garetto photographed by Bob Mizer for AMG

I found that someone found his way to this blog by searching for Rod Garetto at AMG; so I thought it would be a good idea to actually construct a post to satisfy this searcher’s need (and because it serves my pleasure.)

I won’t go further into the various rumors I’ve heard of late concerning the sad circumstances of Rodney’s more recent post-porn careers.  In a way all careers are bad choices.  Still, it saddens me to hear some of this stuff because I genuinely like the guy. The couple of times I ran into him, we never really spoke, but there was a great deal exchanged that had nothing to do with money.  He had an intriguing presence far beyond his sexual allure.  Just the same, I’m hopeful.  I assume he retains all the qualities I valued in him and it’s hard to believe anything that you hear in Hollywood.

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