Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Antonio, Sucked and Spanked


Since I first heard it many years ago, I've always enjoyed that old English adage "In for a penny, in for a pound..." and figured this was a good place to use it.  Though I'd already made extensive use of my Antonio Montez file, I decided I wanted to go a little further in my borrowings from these old Latino Fan Club produced videos (which, unlike most of their offerings, were not directed by Brian Brennan,) as these were by far the sexiest appearances il bell'Antonio made.  The screen shots below were made for an one of a kind artist's book about Antonio that I put together some thirteen years ago solely for my own enjoyment.  They're drawn from the video entitled Homeboy Hell, which seems to have sadly and entirely disappeared.  I say sadly because it contains one of Antonio's most enthusiastic performances, which is completely understandable given the two guys he gets to play with.  I'd love to see it again as video, and I thank my own foresight in preserving these images, even in a somewhat diminished and degraded form. 

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