Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Daw Kin Nwe (1951 - 2016) and her grandnieces

Rangoon Burma 2015

Ne Oo and I have lived together for twenty five years.  His sister died this morning and I was faced with the task of telling him.  When I was in Burma, a year ago April, I met her on several occasions, first at the duplex that he and his sister in law had built for her and his second sister (already deceased, and her half consequently occupied by her daughter,) and later at the family apartment downtown near City Hall.  When I first met her in her home she was watching her twin grandnieces, who were rather shy initially but compliantly posed with me as instructed.  When the two girls came with their mother into the city to pay us a visit, they were less guarded, especially after they were presented with a bag of pistachios.

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